Sunday, September 16, 2012

Chow Chow

Home made chow chow. The best way to use the "tail end" of the garden as my grandma used to say. It has cabbage, onion, zucchini that got just a little too big, peppers, green tomatoes and anything else you might want to throw in. Chop everything finely and combine. Make a basic pickling liquid with sugar, vinegar and water. Bring to a boil. Season with salt, turmeric, celery seed, garlic and anything other herb you particularly like. Add chopped vegetables to the hot liquid. Fill sterilized canning jars. Wipe off rims and add sterilized lids. Process in water bath for 10 minutes. Don't start timing until water is bubbling. (Do not pressure can.) Listen for the lids to pop! Let cool before removing from pot unless you are crazy and impatient like me, but being impatient can lead to burns. Please be careful. This chow chow is great with soup beans and corn bread! Hope you enjoy.

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